who counts


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Going each day more nuts!

Going nuts because other people are So freaking inconsiderate. And nasty and rude and they just don't get that sometimes a smile may save their ugly red hea kids lives. They freaking ugly kids with their noses running could be saved. People wouldn't kill or hurt them if theier ugly too skiny, bony and blond mothers would have let that old man have theat parking spot or give their way on the supermarket line.
Can't stand RUDE people anymore, let's just ...Well just let it be. It will be on their Karma......

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Finding Myself! Found yourself?!!!???

Trying to figure out who I am, what I supposed to be doign here...etc... So confused! Does anyone have a clue what I am supposed to be doing in Earth? I was reading this article the other day, anbd I came to realize that I am supposed to be happy. And that's it, just be happy. God, Jeova, or whatever you called Him, just wants us to be happy.
So I am here trying to find myself and now trying to be a appy human being..... Oh my! how hard this job is. yesterday I went to a Doctor and found out I may not be able to procriate, which sucks bad! I did not get sad, upset or even cried, I could figured out my emotions, I can't describe it either... Can't explain what I felt. And again, I'm thinking what the F##$% I am supposed to be doing on Earth? Can't get a answer, so I went back to reading and I decided to try to go to India and learn how to meditate. The only problem is I can't jsut leave my job, my house, my dogs and my husband and go.... And my crazed mind started: " Well if you can't even procriate, why not jsut leave everyone and go search for yourself around the globe!" And then I felt sad, And I actually cried a bit.
I don't know if I would be able to just leave everything and go, but I really want to do it now! Tomorrow It may change, but today, all I want is to leave, for no reason, the Doctor thing really does not bug me as much I think it should. I can just adopt.
Finding one self is hard job! It is to complex and I am not sure I am able to keep this going. But I am affraid that if I just let it go I 'll miss it in a couple of years, and then I 'll most likely leave it all and go search for only God kowns what.