who counts


Friday, November 7, 2008

Dog Parks

Suburbia is a great place to life, but the absence of places to hang out with our dogs make it almost unbearable.

Every time we go down to town it is a horror. Kids running with their running noses all over the place, lots of playgrounds, but nowhere to go with our dogs.

We are lucky enough to have a little backyard, but some people are not and their animals deserve as much love as anybody. They deserve to play, to socialize and to be happy.

I don't understand politicians, but I had asked Mr Hotchkiss more than once to install a dog park, even a small one for dogs 10 pounds or less. He gave me the most absurd response: " The town would have to spend money with clean up!". I told him I would build the park myself, if I had the space set up. And that clean up is a breeze. Just pick the right elements and have a big garbage can. The poop bag I will have it provided by local stores and construction people that actually gave me this idea. They will be advertising and giving us the bags.

I need help here. Anyone want to help me set up a nice cute dog park for the dogs of Pelham???