who counts


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

the crazy potato

I could not decide on what to make...so I started just cutting the potatoes and boiling them... When they were ready I was not....
I had no clue what to do...And I had just got to my second home without stopping at a proper supermarket... Only at this little store that sold potatoes :)
I looked at my frisdge and saw that I had a great mustard, a very yummy rustic one.
So I took that out, added the delicious ricotta I had just got and some balsamic.... hummmm and some garlic for good measure.. of course!
Then I checked the pantry and found that I had soy beans (canned) and nice herbs growing in the garden...
hummmmm actually the neighboors garden....
She will never notice that I took some basil, parsley and dill....
She may notice the parsley......... ;)
This salad ended up so delicious and hearty. I recommend !!!! And my hubby ate it and repeated.. SO This double recommended !!!
Enjoy !!!