who counts


Monday, August 23, 2010

sweet and sour

Easy and good looking. Serve it at any night or at some special one.

It will serve 4 people and it's ready in 30 minutes or less.

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 head green cabbage, quartered through the core

1/2 cup cider vinegar

2 tablespoons sugar

1tea spoon of crushed garlic

course salt and ground pepper

Start by putting olive oil in a pan or skillet over medium heat. Then add the garlic and the cabbage and cook it until it’s golden brown. Around 3 minutes per each side. Then add vinegar, sugar and 1.5 cups of water. Bring to a simmer. Cook the cabbage until it is tender. You can use a fork to test it. Cook about 12 to 15 minutes then serve with salt and pepper. You can also replace the salt with soy sauce. Sometimes I add Worcestershire sauce, just a dash...

Enjoy cooking!!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The not peanut butter sammy

I just lately encounter the marvelous almond butter in my life.
It is creamy, oily, smooth and comes in a nice tall jar of deliciousness. So I made my very own first Almond butter and jelly sandwich. And I had to share it....
Unbelievable how your toddler demands and you just follow his instructions. He says up up up, meaning more more more... and there my sandwich goes.... away from my papilla gustatory....
No problem I made another one when he was napping and enjoyed it very much...
The issue now is that I'm an addict. I need ABJA ( almond butter jelly anonymous) asap.
Later I'm trying almond butter sauce on pork chops.... It will be a blast, some shallots and fresh tarragon.....just out of this world. Sauté the 1/2" pork chops for 4 minutes on each side (on medium low), remove from the pan, sauté the shallots and scrub all the goodness from the pan, add some white whine, the one you are already drinking while cooking this, and slowly poor the 2 spoons full of Perfect balanced pure, natural, organic and sodium free Almond butter. mixed it well until smooth and put the chops back on.
Do not let it burn, so keep the heat to minimum... Sprinkle tarragon and serve with nice rice!

Have fun with food!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The most delicious Peach savory sauce yet

yesterday I got peaches on my Community farm share box..And I was going to cook some chicken....
So i had the fantastic idea of cooking this peach sauce.
Problem is I had savory sauces that have cinnamon. And every recipe I found online had cinnamon and nutmeg...
So I decided to cook it anyway, my way!
Sautéed half yellow onion with some garlic and salt (grey salt) in olive oil, added 4 small diced peaches and red pepper flakes.
It cooked for about 10 minutes, then I added some balsamic vinegar to it, like two dashes of it.
It wasn't as spicy as I want so i added half serrano pepper. BIG mistake, it got way too spicy .... I added more balsamic and it was very tasty.
To finalize I blended it a little so it wasn't so chunky. But I didn't blend to be totally smooth either...
It was VERY yummy.
I just baked the chicken with some olive oil and salt for about 20 minutes on 375, and sautéed some Swiss chard on the side. Healthy delicious dinner! Try it.